
There is nothing like a good soup! It will be hard to find anyone who does not boast on their mom's or granny's soup as the best soup they ever had. It is easy to conjure images of  split peas or dasheen bush soup with pieces of provisions like green banana, cassava , yam, sweet potato, dasheen and vegetables like pumpkin and carrots, simmered to a perfection with your favourite meat, fresh herbs and coconut juice. Yum! Well if you can't have your mom's or granny's soup at your fingertips, Annie's Soup is here to the rescue!

Image result for pigtail soup

Every Saturday at the Scarborough Esplanade, Annie's customers religiously line up for her mouth watering fare. Beef soup, cowheel soup, pigtail soup, fish soup and vegetarian soup await hungry customers. Beware! Get there by 11 o'clock for the latest! Her soup is usually sold out by 1.30 p.m!
That stands to reason since Annie's opened in 2011, won the Iron Chef Competition in the same year and was the 2012 top local restaurant for customer service, hospitality and quality of food. The passion that Ann-Marie has for cooking obviously comes through her soups! Local and international customers agree!

Image result for trinidad cowheel  soup


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