Sweet Treats!
Craving something sweet on the island? Say no more.........local delicacies derived from tropical fruits and flavours indigenous to Trinidad and Tobago's culture are readily available through local supermarkets, businesses or vending stalls throughout the island.
A vast amount of Caribbean inspired desserts are available. From coconut inspired treats like sugar cake (a mixture of shredded coconut and sugar) and toolum ( a baked mixture of shredded coconut and molasses) to lime balls ( a baked young papaya mixed with sugar and colourings) to fudges of various flavours like .
Bene ball |
A widely popular dessert that locals and foreigners often crave are bene balls or the more popular bene sticks( they're both comprised of the same ingredients but the sticks are easier to chew); preserved fruit such as red mangoes, plums or pommecythere; tamarind balls (a mixture of tamarind pulp and sugar) and nut cakes (made of peanuts, sugar and a hint of ginger).
With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to have one favourite that reminds you of the Caribbean if you're a foreigner or brings back childhood reminiscing if you're an islander. So tell me what's your favourite?
Provided in the link below are two Facebook accounts with all the contact information readily available to take your retail or wholesale confectionery orders.
Facebook Contacts:
Shaun's sesame delights. Facebook address: https://www.facebook.com/shaunsdelights/
J's Traditional Sweets- https://www.facebook.com/jsweetstobago/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf
Red Mangoes |
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